Welcome To Moments of Inspiration

I have survived Cancer now for two years. I am using this blog to tell my story, to impart a little philosophy, and to offer a little bit of hope and entertainment to other people like me who are suffering from Cancer.

You may have cancer, like me, or maybe you know someone who has cancer. Maybe you have lost someone to this deadly killer.

My story is really about all of us. We are in this together, and we will fight cancer for as long as we can. Meanwhile, I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone that although we may be dying from cancer, we must also remember to live while we are still here, and to maybe make this world a better place to live in as well. I hope you enjoy the writing.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Delightful Oncologist Tells a Funny Story

A couple of weeks ago I went in for another of those four hour sessions. I brought a book with me to read. My Delightful Oncologist asked me: "What are you reading, there?" I told her it was a pretty good book, called "Mediatations aand Relaxations." It is good because it puts me right to sleep. I told her it was a lot better than a book I had picked up a couple of years ago."What was that one?", she asks. I told her it was called "Stop Procrastinating Now!". I told her I did not think it was that good, because I never got around to finishing it. She laughed at this.
My Delightful Oncologist has a blog of her own, which is a food blog. It is patewoem.wordpress.com she told me the funny story.
For prom night, her Dad hired a limo for her and her friends to ride around in. Her Dad was something of a practical Joker, like I am. He provided the girls with home made pate treats he called patewoem. These were just some crackers with meat on them that you could nibble on while drinving around in the nice limo. Now the girls did not have any of this. They were too careful about staining their gowns. But a boy who was with them gobbled down every single one, they were that good! "Woem " spelled backwords is "Meow".
The pate was actually cat food. Yum!

Mr. Charming

For a Portland Newbie

Wendy's probably have the fastest drive through window in America, according to Columbus Business First.
If you are a Cancer patient, looking for a 1000 fast calories, try going to Wendy's and go through the drive through. For only $5, you can get a large Frosty-cino and a spicy chicken wrap. Plus they give you back change, that you can later give to a homeless person who will shake your hand and say: "God Bless you."
This is a hot July here in Portland. I try to get my frosty-chino fix in at least once a day.
I saw my first Carl Jr.'s while visiting in California. For about $10 you can go to a Carl's Jr.here in Portland and buy close to 3000 calories! They have a variety of delicious offerings, including the Jalapeno Burger and the Guaconole Burger, among others. Yesterday I went to the Carl Jr.'s on S.E. 82d near Best Buy with Dan just to get a treat, and to enjoy their very fine banana chocolate chip malts. I got one in a large Combo meal of a very good Jalapeno Burger, along with a huge order of fries and a chicken sandwich wich cost me an extra Dollar.
Fast food may not be the healthiest thing for you to eat, but sometimes you just have to when you are in pinch. Wendy's and Carl's offer up big heapings of cheap calories, and as Cancer patients, we should be aware of our caloric needs, which far exceed the 2000 or so caloric diet of a normal person.
For all of $4 you can get one of the Best Hotdogs in Porland at Zach's Shack near the Mr. Tabor Theater on Hawthorne Boulevard. They offer the tradtional New York style hot dogs, as well as Chicago style hot dogs.They feature high quality wieners for all of their dogs, and they have a wide variety of "unusual" hot dogs as well. Try the Sgt. Pepper's. It comes with pepperoncinis and jalapenos.. One that I tried was the Dylan. This amount to a cross between a hot dog and what you might find on a bagel. It came with cream cheese, onion and sliced tomato. It was very good. Zach's opens around 3pm, and they stay open late. They have a mean Jukebox with intersting tunes on it, sometimes featuring local  talent liike Sharon Jones. They have a table tennis set up out back, and you can go to the bar for paddles and balls. Now how much fun is that!
For some of the best French pastries you can get in Portland these days, try La Petite Provence. They have locations in Lake Oswego, N.E. and S..E. Portland. I live near the one at 48th and S.E. Division Street. For about $10 you can go there, order the French Onion Soup, a croissant, and get a cup of coffee. I take friends there for lunch somethimes, and they are very busy with the lunch crowd. Sometimes you have to wait for a table to open up .But it's worth it. The mouthwatering pastries always snag my attention on the way out. I will get a couple of brioches, or maybe some filled croissants, along with some good French bread to take home with me. I highly recommend going to a Le Petite Provence near you.
