Welcome To Moments of Inspiration

I have survived Cancer now for two years. I am using this blog to tell my story, to impart a little philosophy, and to offer a little bit of hope and entertainment to other people like me who are suffering from Cancer.

You may have cancer, like me, or maybe you know someone who has cancer. Maybe you have lost someone to this deadly killer.

My story is really about all of us. We are in this together, and we will fight cancer for as long as we can. Meanwhile, I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone that although we may be dying from cancer, we must also remember to live while we are still here, and to maybe make this world a better place to live in as well. I hope you enjoy the writing.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Hummingbird

Another dear friend of mine from college lives in Los Angeles. He is a professor there, and a mentor to future generations of engineers and technical people. For a poor kid from Michigan, he has done well for himself. And he has helped a lot of young people. He has done a lot of good in the world. I am very proud of him.
Of course to me he will always be Crazy Al, the guy I knew from College. He was one of my good friends back then. He is still a good friend. When I first got sick, Crazy Al took a week off to fly up to Portland to stay with me. I was helpless and in a lot of pain. I can't think of anyone else in the world willing to do such a thing for me. I will always remember this. I am very grateful to have such a friend.
Al is married to a very smart Vietnamese lady named Hoa. Her French is better than mine ever was. She is a good cook, and I think that being around her has taken a certain edge off Crazy Al's personality, which has always had a wild streak to it. I try to go down there and visit once a year.
Al's wife heard this story which I called The Interview. Then she told me the story about the Hummingbird.
It sounds like Al and Hoa have a little hummingbird in their backyard.
One day she noticed this little bird would fly around, and then fall asleep inside a flower.
She thought that that was the neatest thing! I think it's pretty neat, too.
She went to work and told people this story. She felt disappointed when they all said that that was nothing.
Actually, everyone here is perfectly correct.
It all depends how close you are to The Moment.

Mr. Charming

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