Welcome To Moments of Inspiration

I have survived Cancer now for two years. I am using this blog to tell my story, to impart a little philosophy, and to offer a little bit of hope and entertainment to other people like me who are suffering from Cancer.

You may have cancer, like me, or maybe you know someone who has cancer. Maybe you have lost someone to this deadly killer.

My story is really about all of us. We are in this together, and we will fight cancer for as long as we can. Meanwhile, I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone that although we may be dying from cancer, we must also remember to live while we are still here, and to maybe make this world a better place to live in as well. I hope you enjoy the writing.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lindsay and Lebron

About ten days ago I wrote a piece called "Lindsay and Lebron" The day before they had just tossed Lindsay Lohan in jail for ninety days. The day I wrote it, Lebron James was in the news. Everyone was speculating about his future plans. The next day something else would happen, and we would be interested in that, too. The news feeds us empty calories, and we are hungry for more of it. Collectively, we have become a nation of short attention spans. We constantly require that we be entertained. Few have time to really think anymore. We are all too busy to do that.
On the day everyone was talking about LeBron James, another story came out in the news. Scientists had discovered an Aids Vaccine. The Aids Vaccine, once administered, would prevent up to 90% of all new aids cases from ever developing in the entire world. Think of it! All the needless loss of life, all of the suffering being avoided. And of course all of the cost savings for the entire planet. Our health system is under siege everywhere, and it is very expensive. If aids is taken out of the picture, we can then devote our resources for other things that are killing us. Like Cancer and Diabetes.
Anyway, if you really think about it, this Aids Vaccine might even be the most important story of the year. Aids is a blight upon humanity. And even though we thought it impossible until recently to defeat this aids virus, scientists managed to pulled one out of the hat and astound the entire world. Collectively, we had won one. What could be better and more important than that?

Mr. Charming

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