Welcome To Moments of Inspiration

I have survived Cancer now for two years. I am using this blog to tell my story, to impart a little philosophy, and to offer a little bit of hope and entertainment to other people like me who are suffering from Cancer.

You may have cancer, like me, or maybe you know someone who has cancer. Maybe you have lost someone to this deadly killer.

My story is really about all of us. We are in this together, and we will fight cancer for as long as we can. Meanwhile, I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone that although we may be dying from cancer, we must also remember to live while we are still here, and to maybe make this world a better place to live in as well. I hope you enjoy the writing.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Tabor Hill Cafe

The end of June was on the cool side, and June was being a crappy month. One day I had finished my business on Wall Street, and had nothing to do the rest of the day.
So I called Dan and Special Ed, and took these guys out to lunch.
I took them to the Tabor Hill Cafe on Hawthorne Boulevard. In the window they have photos of all the food they serve. Just in case you have never seen a pancake before. Or a cheeseburger.
I really like this place. It is not the trendiest place on Hawthorne, but the food is good and reasonably priced. They also have big picture windows that look out on Hawthorne Boulevard. This is ideal for gawking at stranger passing by. And Hawthorne has a lot of strangers.
One time around Christmas I was on Hawthorne and I saw this kid on a unicycle dressed up like Santa going down the road playing the bagpipes. I am not making this up.
I chose to order the Angry Fettuccine. You get a huge plate of fettuccine and spicy fish topped with Mozzarella and a couple of slices of garlic bread. This went well with the Earl Grey I had ordered. Their French Onion Soup is pretty good too.
That day we saw the Yellow Girl. She is tall with dark skin, and dark hair, with streaks of Yellow in it (not blond). She was wearing a matching yellow dashiki.
She is the girl of your nightmares, not your dreams.
I also noted a very attractive twenty something woman who had ducked into the bank across the street. Tall, with long legs and well proportioned. I would describe her as a hot hippie chick. The guys agreed with me on this one.
I paid the bill and we left the restaurant.
While crossing the street, this hot hippie chick exits the bank and walks toward us.
I said hello to her.
She flashed a million dollar smile at me and said hello back.
We continued on our way.
The guys were jabbing their elbows into my ribs. They could not believe that I had gotten such a favorable reaction from this attractive young woman.
After all, I do look like a monster.
Mr. Charming

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